Lamb of God?

OK, what is all this lamb of God stuff we all hear about around Easter?

Well, this has to do with another thing you hear about around Easter, which is Passover.  Your Jewish and Catholic friends are probably pretty familiar with that if you ask them..

Passover has to do with with the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians many many years ago.  They were warned by Moses who told the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go or many plagues would befall them.  One of these plagues was that an angel of God would descend upon the land killing the first born son of all the people who didn’t follow a particular symbol of protection on their household.

This symbol of protection, pasting lamb’s blood over their doorway, was the angel’s indicator that the family inside were Israelite and to skip their household and not take the life of their first born.

Now you know where the “lamb” part of this comes from.  This lamb was sacrificial to protect the children of God.

Much later, Jesus Christ was born, and he has become the sacrificial “lamb of God”.  He was sacrificed on the cross to pay for the sins of all God’s people – so if you accept that gift, that sacrifice, then YOU are a child of God too and your sins have also been paid for by that sacrificial lamb!