Anyone listening?

Hello in there!

I figure most of you who look here already know why it has been so long since I have posted (since Nov? Wow!), but for those of you not in the know, here’s thestory….

Starting in the new year (24) I have been in and out of the hospital a few times.  I think the first one was a result of long term covid symptoms.  I was getting super dizzy while standing and it turns out that I had Orthostatic Hypotension, which is a fancy way of saying that my veins are dialated and when I stand up all the blood runs down (yay gravity) away from my head.  Now this is actually probably POTS or Postural Orthostatic Tachocardia (sp) which is a long term symptom of covid, because:  My next hospital stay I went in because I couldn’t breathe.  This turned out to be a failure in my peritoneal dialysis treatments (more on this in a minute).  One of the symptoms i noticed while getting treated for this was I could never seem to catch my breath or take a deep breath.  They eventually put me on oxygen.  Combine this with the treatment for the first problem above which got me stuck in a wheelchair.  Now back to the PD failure.  Because my PD dialysis failed, I filled some fluid around my lungs requiring 5 different procedures to drain.  Most painful thing to ever happen to me.  Since I still need dialysis to live and PD isn’t working I had to be switched to hemo dialysis 3x a week where you sit in a chair and they jack you into a big machine that sucks out your blood, cleans it up and puts it back.  I’d be lying if I said this was fun.  It’s hard on my and made me stop working as I can’t do it while on dialysis and after I get off dialysis I am a wreck until at least the next day.  There have been all sorts of problems associated with this, but fear not, I am still here, still kicking and still worshiping God Almighty who has carried and/or dragged me through all this thus far 😀

I just wanted to check back in and let you all know I have been thinking about you.  I pray for you and want to remind you to praise God each and every day!  If there is something I can pray for you about, please please let me know (email at the bottom og the site).  May God bless and keep you and I will do my best to try and get back on here a lot more frequently that lately!