In Gods Word, we are all *all* commanded to go out into the world and share the Gospel. Now it has been my experience that a great many Christians don’t really put a lot of effort into this preferring to do things like “living my life so people see Christ in me”. Unfortunately, there are 2 issues with this. The first issue is that as Christians, we do not have the corner on the market of clean living. There are many religions who do this if they were to practice in earnest. In fact I used to have a neighbor who was a Seekh and not only did this guy and his family live cleanly, but the were super nice people as well (and whatever they were cooking over there smelled fantastic btw). The other issue is we are commanded in the Word to TELL people, which is, of course, different from just showing them. Preaching the Gospel requires you use your voice. But, how do we start? What’s the “in” or ice breaker? Well, one of the methods I have used in the past is Tracts. For those of you unfamiliar, Tracts are small booklets or pamphlets which have the Gospel printed on them. Some can be quite entertaining in their delivery and get people talking.
It has been a good while since I have used tracts but since my illness I have been looking for a way to go forward without having to strain my voice so much as I don’t have a lot of breath anymore. So I just looked up someplace to get some on the internet and believe it or not even found some on Amazon! BINGO. I purchased a couple different kinds and they have been a hit so far. So if you are in a bind for an easy starter to have conversations about our Lord and Savior, try some tracts. I initially chose some “get out of hell free” cards, and some 1 Million dollar bills. They bring lots of smiles, have the Gospel printed right on them, and evryone seems to want to hang on to them!